Beloved by bees, butterflies and pollinators, Muscari, also known as Grape Hyacinth, are so charming! White Pearl starts out this wonderful chartreuse and opens from the bottom up so that you have a little chartreuse hat for most of the bloom period! It is so striking and elegant under tulips and daffs of any shade. Perfect as a companion to early white shrubs and roses in your white garden. I like it planted with other muscari varieties too. Add just the right amount of contrast to both pastel and bright shades of Spring blooming tulips, daffodils and hyacinth.
These will multiply easily and return year after year. Their sweetly grape scented blooms will last two weeks or more when forced for indoor growing. Muscari are happy bulbs that don’t need any care, other than properly draining soil, to perform their best.
Contains 25 bulbs. 5" height. Hardy Zones 4-9. For colder zones 2" mulch